Written by Joe Duncan
Let’s get to work on taking on 2022 and I’m talking hunting it down and facing it head on.
I know you’re ready to bounce back, come back bigger and better than ever and now that you’re over the shock of how quickly life can change – You can get to work on building yourself back up!
So here are 4 things I want you to start doing before the new year comes around.
1. Let’s start by getting ourselves back into a positive & healthy routine. Feeling fit, healthy and mentally fresh is the key to taking down 2022 and that starts now!
You’ve got to make a commitment to your wellbeing and put yourself in a position where you feel strong, fit and vibrant. 2022 isn’t going to be a cakewalk – in fact, it’s going to be tougher than 2021 in many ways.
So step up and build your life around a solid daily and weekly routine that keeps you mentally and physically sharp.
2. Let’s put together a solid game plan. 12 months and 4 Quarters lay ahead of you and you need to have a straight forward plan for 2022.
A simple and solid plan for 2022 will get you moving and feeling back in control. No big to do lists or wish lists – You need to feel in control and bring some certainty back to your life.
Start by looking at the year ahead and work on achieving 3 – 5 significant goals that move you forward. Execution in 2022 is essential.
3. Give yourself some time to tidy up and get your house and working spaces in order – working from home is becoming a way of life and you need to create environments that inspire you and allow you to function at your highest level.
Don’t think of your home office as a temporary thing – get your office, home and personal matters in order quickly. That way you are mentally free to take on 2022.
4. Start networking again!
Build those contacts up again and let’s start building real relationships with people. That’s what stands the test of time regardless of industry and economic or social changes.
You’ve got to be able to get yourself back in the game and be part of the conversation in your industry and community.
Start reaching out and making a few phone calls today!
Get to work on these 4 things this weekend and let’s start hunting down 2022!